Tuesday, October 26, 2010

First time for everything!

  Hello everyone! this is my very first time starting a blog and the process is not hard, but requires much thought into how to communicate the right message I want to send to my followers. When I was given the assignment to start a blog I picked a topic that I thought would spark people's attention. Hair has always been apart of African American culture and i love fashion just like other young women. I'm in college and I'm graduating next year, it seems like I just started and I have had a few reflections on the many things that have happened since I have been in college. 
 One problem I find myself running into is the fact that my hair dresser is not just a couple of minutes away anymore. The only time i do see her is when Igo home on holidays or when I have a free weekend, so doing my hair is not the easiest task since it's so thick!  I also love fashion and if I had to choose my favorite item it would have to be jewelery! I wanted to take those two elements and combine them into a site where young college women like me would have somewhere to go to get all the tips and share some of their own experiences too. Overall Iwant EvolveN2fashion to be a haven where you can just be comfortable with yourself and use this site as a tool in maintaining a fabulous you!
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